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mediation matters is a family mediation practice

Mediation Matters


We are absolutely committed to finding the best solution through mediation, because mediation matters.

Parenting Plans

At Mediation Matters, we facilitate your negotiations by use of effective communication and expert skills, in order to reach the most suitable outcome for your parenting plan.

Divorce Mediation

At Mediation Matters we strive to simplify the divorce process by offering mediation services for some of the most contentious issues

Our Service Offerings

Maintenance Mediation

Settlement Mediation for:

– Interim maintenance pending finalization of the divorce
– Post-divorce maintenance disputes.

Divorce Mediation

Settlement Mediation for:

– Parental Responsibilities and Rights Agreements
– Contact schedules
– Division of the joint estate

Mediation Parenting Plans

Parenting Plans for:

– Biological parents in divorce proceedings
– Biological parents post-divorce
– Unmarried parents
– Biological parents and any other person(s)

Get Started


Years of Experience


Cape Town, ZA

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